Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Microwave Cauli Pizza Crust...tried it, LOVED it!

I have a TON of food pics and recipes to get caught up on let's get at it!

Ok, so I refuse to use my oven during the spring/summer hotness, and I was curious about how the heck am I going to continue to make my cauli pizza crusts...

So I tried it out, and it came out just as I had hoped!


  • Half a head of Cauliflower, grated/food processor-ed
  • To that, add 1 Egg
  • 1/2 cup of Mozzarella(I also add a bit of Parmesan because I looooove it)
  • Seasonings of choice, mine include: Oregano, Salt, Pepper, Garlic
  • Mix all together in a bowl
  • Spray or oil the microwaveable plate that this will be cooked on
  • 'Plop' mixture onto plate and smooth down into an even, rounded shape
  • Cook on high for about 8 minutes, at that point, check to see if the sides and middle are starting to appear dry and formed.  If not, cook another 2 minutes until this occurs.  (I think mine took 10 minutes for this to occur.)
  • Grab some potholders, and pull plate out of microwave, and slap on the toppings. 
  • Place back in microwave and cook for about another 2-3 minutes until cheese is melty.  Yes, melty, it's a least on my blog it is :)
  • Let sit to cool and set for a few minutes, and then slice away and eat!
Picture from the very first time I tried it in the microwave(my pepperoni was trying to make an escape). I love how it actually stays together like a slice!

Yea, ya know what? I think it's time I resurrect this blog.


Yes, I am still doing low carb and gluten free, and still "lovin'" it.  I cannot say that the last two years of hiatus from this blog have been good to me, as far as totally staying on track and eating as I know I should, but it is about time I get my self back together.

I can't even begin to describe the stress and changes that have occurred in the recent past, and while I will not use that excuse as a crutch to 'wah wah' about as to why I am still not at/near my goal weight, I do understand that it is a part of why I am where I am. It is a fact that stress will cause your body to cling to fat, and because I have run a gamut of tests and changed medications and such to rule out other causes, I must accept it is stress, and find a way to grasp onto some peace and kick this fat to the curb!!

Although I was not eating out of control at any point, I have cleared up my eating significantly in the last 3 months to where I am faithfully low carb and gluten free 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and also something I am particularly proud of is that I dropped my cholesterol 20 points, down to 190!! Now that's something to be proud of :)

Soooo...on that positive note, let's start this freakin' journey again! :)